2+ Black tern
Green woodpecker
Water rail
Marsh tit
7 Greenshank
These were all seen on my quick walk around the far part of the reserve.. The Black tern was rather confiding on a post just out from the Lower hide and enabled me to get shot of it's wing before it duely took flight.
Dumfries and Galloway trip list:
- Red-Throated diver - Little grebe - Great crested grebe - Fulmar - Manx shearwater - Gannet - Cormorant - Shag - Little egret - Grey heron - Mute swan - Pink-footed goose - Greylag goose - Canada goose - Brent goose - Shelduck - Mallard - Wigeon - Teal - Eider - Common scoter - Red-breasted merganser - Osprey - Buzzard - Sparrowhawk - Kestrel - Hobby - Peregrine - Red-legged partridge - Pheasant - Moorhen - Coot - Oystercatcher - Ringed plover
- Golden plover - Lapwing - Knot - Sanderling - Turnstone - Dunlin - Curlew sandpiper - Green sandpiper - Redshank - Greenshank - Black-tailed godwit - Bar-tailed godwit - Curlew - Whimbrel - Snipe - *2 Great skua* - B.H.Gull - C.Gull - H.Gull - L.B.B.Gull - G.B.B.Gull - Kittiwake - Sandwich tern - Common tern - *4 Black Tern* - Black guillemot - Guillemot - Razorbill - Feral pigeon - Woodpigeon - Collard dove - Tawny owl - Kingfisher- Green woodpecker
- G.S.Woodpecker - Skylark - Sand martin - Swallow - House martin - Rock pipit - Meadow pipit - Pied wagtail - Grey wagtail - Wren - Dunnock - Robin - Wheatear - Stonechat - Song thrush - Mistle thrush - Blackbird - Willow warbler - Chiffchaff - Goldecrest - Blue tit - Great tit - Coal tit - Long-tailed tit - Nuthatch - Treecreeper - Magpie - Jay - Jackdaw - Rook - Carrion crow - Hooded crow - Raven - Starling - House sparrow - Chaffinch - Linnet
- Goldfinch - Greenfinch - Siskin - Bullfinch - Reed bunting - Yellowhammer = 111
The yearticks are in red which put me on 240 for 2010. Cheers for now...
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