The time has finally arrived when I have found some time to update the blog. I have been very busy over the last few weeks, mainly university related but also various birding and ringing related trips..
Priority is to let you all know about the trip to Ireland and what myself and Kane got up to, however, I thought I would let you all know what I have been upto whilst ringing with Steve first. For those of you that don't already know, Steve is my trainer..
Adult Common gull - Lovely bird!!
I first moved to Bangor on September 19th to start my 3 year Degree course, however, I never knew I would meet such fantastic and kind ringers along the way. Since moving to Bangor, Steve and his wife have been so kind and helpful and have given me an insight into ringing to a whole different level.. This is in the form of Cannon-netting. I have been inolved in cannon-netting for about 6 months now and I can truthfully say I am fully confident in completing the jobs assigned to me. E.g. pegging the back line and running out the cables etc:- I have been involved in just over 2 dozen cannon-netting sessions now and have ringed some fantastic species along the way.
Below is a list of species ringed with Steve:-
Blue Tit
Reed Warbler
Great Tit
Black-Headed Gull
Common Gull
Many thanks to Steve and Rachel for a fantastic few months of ringing and I am sure there will be a lot more to come in the following months!
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