Busy busy busy....
Apologies for the lack of news on the birding and ringing front these last few weeks. I have been ridiculously busy at uni; writing essays and reports, lectures 9am - 5pm most days and lots of birding.. Whenever I seem to have time to update the blog, there is always a decent bird that turns up, or when I have day off, it is usually spent birding which means a full day out and yet again, no time to update the blog..
Anyway, enough of the ranting on ... Birding recently has been great and I have managed target some pretty decent winter birds these last few weeks. During the dates: February 27th - March 7th, I was at home back in Lancashire birding my local areas.. Due to Reading week at uni.. Having finished January 2010 with a yearlist 0f 147 or so, I mopped up the rest of the winter birds that were around in Lancs... which soon came thick and fast when I got out birding....
A trip Hesketh out marsh on one occasion meeting up with Graham Clarkson for a guided walk around the new reserve.. Decided to cycle this time and clocked up a nice 20 or so miles that day. {Green birding for ya} A single Bewick's swan mixed in with 70 or so Whoopers... Plus a nice Little owl.
Picked up the much-needed common mossland birds like Red-legged partridge, Yellowhammer and Corn bunting. .
A trip to Marton mere in Blackpool with good friend Craig Brookes revealed Long-eared owl and a gorgeous Female Brambling..
Willow tit at Moore Nature Reserve too but no Lesser peckers as of yet..
A quick twitch onto Plex moss saw me watching 2 Tundra Bean geese mixed in with 300 0r so Pink-footed geese.
I managed to pick up another 12 yearticks whilst I was at home - more than satisfying..
I bought a new memory card for the camera during that period and stupidly left the other one at home with all the pics on, so shall post the Bean geese shots on the blog on March 21st so keep an eye out for them nearer the time - stonking shots!
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