Tuesday, 26 October 2010
Belated blogging
Unfortunately the next blog update is going to be the week beginning Monday 8th November once everything has calmed down and a full update will be available for the past 3 weeks or so!
I thought I would include a brief summary of what I have been upto over the last month:- Lots of birding trip reports and several twitches to add onto the blog, many yearticks have been achieved, several ringing sessions to update you on and quite a few other things too.. These will all have to wait for another week or so..
Bye for now..
Wednesday, 13 October 2010
Jack Snipe footage from Spurn..
A quick post tonight just to show you what I was on about with the Jack Snipe's 'Bobbing up and down feeding habit'. Enjoy!
Millions of Migrants!!
When Mike Stocker sent me a text that evening saying that he was going over and if I wanted a lift, you can imagine the rest! Packed my gear and hit the sack for an early start on the Sunday morning. Picked up at 4am and on the east coast for 7am at first light!!!
The first thing that I have got to make clear at this point, is that this day has to be the best visible migration experience I have ever had and that is saying something.. The amount of times I have been to Spurn over the years {probably over 100 visits} I have never had a 'fall'.. Until Sunday morning..
With Mike's idea to head straight for Sammy's Point near Spurn, we were knackered by the time we got to the car-park. The road down to Sammy's point, takes about 5 minutes to drive from entrance to car-park, however there were so many birds in every available habitat that it took is half an hour to get to the shore..
A quick stop to look for a Little Bunting just outside Kilnsea proved difficult and there was no sign of the bird since early morning..
A net full of tits
If I wasn't already knackered from the cornish Green heron twitch a few days ago, arriving back into Bangor at 2am last Friday; at least gave me the chance to have a lie in, or did it? Amazingly, a brief lie-in was acheived but yet again, it didn't take long for me to be on the move again.
An invite from Kane to do some ringing on Saturday morning at one of his feeding stations was more than enough to tempt me out of my pit. Yet again, it involved catching 3 more trains and soon I was back home in Ormskirk. Friday afternoon, just 1 more train to Atherton and all was over and done with and the thought of catching another train soon, made me feel somewhat sick.. Kipping overnight at Kane's on Friday night and up early for a few hours mist-netting in the morning - a shorter lie-in this time, but well worth getting up for..
Arriving on site, a slight breeze drifted through the woodland edge and with the sounds of birds at the feeders, the net was set quickly and effieciently to increase our catch rate that morning.
A total of 35+ tits were caught that morning including Blue, Great and Coal, aswell as 2 Chaffinches and 2 Nuthatch..
Tuesday, 12 October 2010
***Green Heron in the Lost Valley***
A long-staying Juvenile Woodchat Shrike up at Hartlepool Headland in Cleveland was supposed to be our destination for early on Thursday morning. However, on Wednesday night when we called a meeting at my flat to discuss tomorrow's itinerary, logging onto RBA {Rare Bird Alert}, it was soon apparent that there was a Green Heron down in Cornwall.. The last time this american heron turned up, I was unaware of it's presence due to the lack of rarity news at the time and the fact that I wasn't twitching then didn't help matters.. When the next one turned up I was determined that I would twitch it! So I did but with some company this time!
On the Wednesday night it took us 20 mintues if that, to turn our attentions to Cornwall instead of Hartlepool and rather sharply shall we say, checked train times down to St Austell etc.. I have to admit when asking Zac if he wanted to twitch it, his words were:- ''I'm up for it''. That was that and we were off!
Running round like a headless chicken sorting my gear out, we met 5 mintues later outside my flat and sprinted down to Bangor station in order to catch the 9:07 train to Crewe that evening.
On arrival in Crewe at 11pm that night, we settled down in a warm waiting room with some comfy seats, as we were going to sleep overnight and catch the 5am train down to St Austell in the morning. A change at Birmingham and Exeter was all it took. Although our night at Crewe station was rather eventful. It was spent lying awake listening to folk snoring like hogs, a drunk guy kicking chairs about in an attempt to make a bed for himself for the night and at 3am on thursday morning a rather 'mad' bloke mopping the floor and cleaning the tables!! Come one were trying to sleep here people! End result was no sleep, but we managed an hour or so on the journey down south..
The bird wasn't showing well at all when we first got there but at least we could see that it was a Green heron and the views were now tickable!
During the afternoon, the bird dissapeared several times; half an hour being the longest, but when we were about to leave, the bird showed extremely well on the far side of the lake for about 20 minutes! Most stunningly, it was in the open at this point and seeing as though I hadn't managed to digiscope this bird at all and was photographless, it walked onto a log in proper american heron fashion, enabling me to snap off a few shots, these ones being the best! The bird being in heavy wing moult too!
This bird has to be the best twitched bird of 2010 and was an absolute stonker! Thinking about it now, this particular journey has to be my longest train twitch yet.
The afternoon passed quickly and soon it was 3pm and it was time to leave. A short bus journey from the gardens back to the station and then back on the train, arriving back into Bangor at exactly 2am on the Friday morning! Thankfully I had the day off to recover...
To see Zac's account of this eventful and hugely successfull twitch, plus slightly better images of the Green Heron, visit http://zacswildlifeblog.blogspot.com/
Monday, 4 October 2010
Yellow Browed Warbler makes 250 milestone!
Rather unexpected was a text in the middle of a lecture from Zac, the text read:- ''Anglesey Yellow-Browed Warbler near Holyhead at Solider's Point by metal gate at entrance to breakwater''
Thinking that I was going to blog out this later on when I got back to Bangor, I needed some pictures so set about digiscoping whilst Zac used his larger camera... So better pictures were obtained by Zac.. After 5 mintues and some of the most stressfull digiscoping I have ever had to accomplish, I came up with several record shots but at least you can make out what it is!
A fantastic bird and one that I was confident in seeing this year! If anyone is thinking of going to have a look, the bird is at the large entrance gates to Soldier's point on Anglesey, literally at the end of the road before you turn off for South stack. On the wall in Ivy and Sycamore bushes by lamp post 2A.. If anyone needs any more info, please feel free to leave a comment and I will get back to as soon as possible.
Sunday, 3 October 2010
Mist netting at its finest hour!
This site really has great training potential for progression towards C permit stage, with just Steve and myself this morning, it was a great morning.
Between 60 + 70 birds were caught this morning of a wide variety of species.
Grey wagtail
Jay Aged as a {4} adult. This is determined by a few factors. Classic square-shaped tail feathers were evident, the bird was still in moult and the outermost greater covert will have 10 black bars as well as being distributed with regularity - these all contribute to adult plumage.
In the afternoon once we had finished ringing, myself and Zac went for an evening's seawatch off the Little Orme/Llandudno which produced zilch! An early night and a sufficient lie in was awaiting. Cheers for now..
Almost forgot to mention that my 249th species of 2010 flew over our ringing site yesterday in the form of 10 Crossbills! Mega!!
500 miles and 2 ducks later!!
Luckily I had a 4-day weekend with Thursday and Friday off, so after much debate on the thursday night, myself and Alex decided to do a bit of long-distance twitching for a change. Spending the day getting sorted for lectures on Monday, a short train journey to Rhyl, a few hours sleep at Alex's house and we were up at silly o'clock on the Friday morning.
First stop was Draycote water in Warwickshire for an eclipse Lesser Scaup, which after a few mintues of searching, it appeared mixed in with a group of Tufted ducks, some 20ft from the nearby banking.. This was a British lifer aswell as a yeartick for Alex but not for me - still a nice bird to see and my 2nd this year. It was rather disheartening to find that the gates to the reserve didn't open until 8am but we only had a half-hour wait which wasn't too disastrous! Nearly slipping onto my arse on a wet grass bank was..
Next stop was going to be Dowdeswell Reservoir for a Wilson's Phalarope which Alex needed for his British list and a yeartick, but unfortunately there was no sign of it this morning, having been present for the last couple of days. More than likely it would have moved off last night before the heavy rain set in!
Dissapointed with this, we made the mad decision to travel down to Chew Valley Lake in Somerset in search of a Ferruginous duck which we both needed for the year as well as being a British tick for Alex. On arrival, the rain was pelting down as it had been all day, at times extremely heavy! Luckily, we had a window of about 30 minutes when the rain had stopped, enabling me to pin down one of the Fudge ducks mixed in with hudreds of Tufted ducks and Pochards.
My life since university has been so damn busy, with 6 hours sleep, I was up again the next morning bright and early!
To see another account of this journey, see Alex's new blog @ http://birdingnorthwales.blogspot.com/