A general mist-netting session in his garden resulted in Coal Tit, House Sparrow, Song Thrush, Dunnock and a few Goldfinch being caught. A few Starlings then entered the garden and so were colour-ringed as part of Kane's on going RAS Project. (Retrapping Adults for Survival).
We were also lucky enough to locate 2 Treecreeper nests; one containing 3 chicks and the other with 6 eggs.

An Adult Stock Dove was also caught in one of the nestboxes. This was a new species for me, so it was great to see this farmland dove up close and personal. The bird was quickly ringed and processed and placed back in the nestbox where she sat tight, giving us enough time to retreat back to the cars.
Photographed by Kane Brides
Kane had also been monitoring several Tawny Owl boxes and on checking a certain box, 2 Tawny Owl pulli were ringed. Yet again, another new species as I had processed a retrap adult female back in April from another nestbox.

Photographed by Kane Brides
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