No sooner had I returned back to Bangor, had a few days of lectures back at university and seen my 1st Broad-Billed Sandpiper in the UK; I was back down in the North-West to give Kane a hand to do a complete nest box check of the breeding population of Tree Sparrows at Martin Mere. This being 4 days later..

Photographed by Kane Brides
An early start was neccessary so we could get through a large proportion of the nestboxes here and so at the end of the day we had managed to check 97 nestboxes out of the 150 at Martin Mere. A total of 74 nestboxes were occupied with Tree Sparrows, whilst 9 by Blue Tit and 3 by Great Tit. This is a very tough day's work and it is rather tricky to get them all checked in one day.
A grand total of 88 Tree Sparrow were ringed and all were colour ringed as part of the WWT wardens project. 39 Blue Tit and 19 Great Tit were also ringed during the visit.
If you are ever visiting Martin Mere and you happen to come across a colour ringed Tree Sparrow - sightings should be handed to the front desk at reception and asked to be forwarded onto the Research Office. Also, sightings can be noted down in any of the hides on the reserve..
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